Product estimated arrival on December 2, 2024. Click "Notify Me" to make sure you get notified as soon as they arrive!
🎅Can't choose which holiday heater you want under your tree (or seat)? Grab all three and save $3 too! 🎅
These bars won't be available for long but the freshness in your car will last long past the holiday season!
- That Birch: a hardwood classic, highly underrated, rarely celebrated....until now.
- Peppermint Phatty: crispy peppermint with light chocolate undertones. Smells amazing, tastes terrible (trust us 🤣).
- Sugarplum Daddy: hide your wife, hide your girlfriend. This daddy is too sweet.
🎄The ultimate stocking stuffers have arrived! Don't miss out on these limited-edition scents only available for a short time! 🎄